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A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!
Recommended for devolved primates only!

Saturday, May 2, 2020


 This Eurotrash sleazefest, directed by the great Jess Franco, starts out with some Haitian ladies twerking for our amusement. This would be repeated several times throughout the film to remind us we're indeed in Haiti. Now for some reason Haiti is pronounced "Ha-E.T." by whoever dubbed this thing(also Haitian is pronounced "High-Asian" which seems equally strange to me) but what do I know, I've never been there. Then we settle into a pretty slim plot about a lady(Ada Tauler) who comes to Haiti(hey, that rhymes if you pronounce it correctly!) to live with her husband(Jack Taylor). When she gets there she meets his nutty nymphomaniac sister(Karine Gambier) who immediately tries to seduce her because, of course, this is a sleazy Franco film. From there a mysterious voodoo doll of Robert Smith from the band The Cure shows up and people start dying. Is our confused married lady under a voodoo zombie spell that makes her kill people? Well I don't want to spoil it but I will say that weird espionage plot to kill the president is shoe-horned into the end of the movie to try and make sens of everything that goes on.
 Of course the real reason to watch this is for all the rampant nudity on display, full vagina shots, gross incest and jazz soundtrack (complete with voodoo drumbeat for island authenticity). SO give it a shot if you're freaky Franco eurosleaze fan. AKA PORNO SHOCK and CALL OF THE BLONDE GODDESS

                              I assume Germans know how to pronounce "Haiti"!:


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