Gordon Liu is always good in these classic Shaw Brothers kung fu flicks but this one is pretty forgettable. Also the title sounds like there might be golf involved. They do cram a message in here about forgiveness and redemption which leads to an unexpected climax but it takes quite a while to get there.
A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

Recommended for devolved primates only!
Monday, April 29, 2024
Sunday, April 28, 2024
This Jackie Chan kung fu flick starts out with the most basic plot of "you killed my master and now I must seek revenge" but then throws a couple of curveballs our way to spice things up. I think my favorite martial arts films are the ones where characters are not strictly good or bad but many shades of grey in-between and that certainly applies here. Even Jackie is not likable throughout the whole film but you do understand his motives making this one stand out from more typical fare. AKA IN EAGLE DRAGON FIST and DRAGON HERO
There are a few different cuts of this out there ranging in runtimes from 76 to 89 to 96 minutes in length.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
ROCKERS (1978)
Even with subtitles this one was a little tough to understand being shot in Jamaica with all the authentic Jamaican Patois being spoken. Luckily it's a pretty simple plot about a reggae drummer who gets back at some criminal types that treat him badly ala ROBIN HOOD. Featuring a bunch of popular bands of the era on the soundtrack(if not actually in the film playing themselves) including Burning Spear, Inner Circle and others. If you dig 70s reggae at all it's worth a look just don't expect much of a plot or anything.
It took 15 years to make a sequel to the first MUNSTERS movie(MUNSTER GO HOME) and this time they just get a made-for-TV deal which feels like an overly long episode of the show except in color. We get a new Marilyn(Jo McDonnell) and Eddie(K.C. Martel) which is very strange since everyone else is obviously older. Not particularly good but we do get to meet some of their extended family including cousin PHANTOM OF THE OPERA(Bob Hastings) and aunt Elvira The Witch(Anita Dangler)(which I think predates that other more famous baddie Elvira by a few months). The CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON shows up with a bunch of other monsters(including Tor Johnson!) but only in robot form to assist Sid Caesar as the evil Egyptian criminal mastermind trying to rob his brother, who's a mummy, of his ancient pendant. You'd be better off just going back and watching a few episodes of the original show for a few chuckles.
Friday, April 26, 2024
This is the most comedic movie by director Jess Franco that I've seen yet. It's also the only comedy that I know of that's based(loosely) on a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. The goofy plot concerns a couple(Lina Romay & Emilio Alvarez) on their honeymoon who get mixed up with some criminals and secret agents looking for a lost treasure. Not as graphic in the sex department as most of Jess' sleazier works(Lina does sport the world's skimpiest bikini at one point though). Worth a watch if you want to see the light-hearted side of Franco.
This film was lost for about 40 years until just being rediscovered a few years ago.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
This sci-fi film was originally released in Europe in 1960 as THE SILENT STAR. 2 years later it was brought to the U.S., dubbed, given a new soundtrack and edited down(removing around 13 minutes) which tweaked the storyline a bit and re-titled FIRST SPACESHIP ON VENUS. If you're looking for a cheesy b-movie this really isn't it since things are more in the serious department which can be a bit boring. Does look like they spent a lot of money on this for the time and the FX work looks really good. It also seems to kinda predict stuff like 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. The full uncut original version is probably the way to view it if you're interested in this genre at all.
DOPER (1994)
Director Jim Van bebber has made some great stuff over the years including an awesome short about Long Island killer Ricky Kasso. This short though is not quite up to the quality of that and is a pretty dull look at some stoned fellows in the 90s. Perhaps more entertaining if you're very high.
I can see where this might have spooked out some British children back in the 90s if they saw it with no context, watching it for the first time over 20 years later though it's a pretty tough sit. Made to look like an ordinary TV programme of the day it's quite dull. I suppose it would also help if you had any belief in the supernatural or demons or whatever you're supposed to think is haunting the people on display. Might be good for a few chuckles but mostly just good to take a nap to. It's also probably a better choice to watch any of a number of documentaries that talk about the circumstances around the initial showing of this than the actual movie itself.
That dude from RED DWARF(Craig Charles) plays one of our intrepid reporters.
Sunday, April 21, 2024
The highlight for me in this documentary about the history, picking, cultivation and smuggling of marijuana was the scene where a dude just swims from Mexico to a beach in California with two giant plastic bags full of high quality weed. It sure was a lot harder to get the good stuff back in those days. Pretty leisurely-paced(stoned?) film that reminded me of a 70s TV show like IN SEARCH OF... but without bigfoot ever showing up. There is some cool tunes thrown in and a sweet animated bit that looks like it escaped from FRITZ THE CAT or something.
Caught this in a theater as the opening film in an all-day marathon of marijuana-influenced cinema and it certainly worked well in that capacity.
There is another ACAPULCO GOLD that came it 3 years later starring Marjoe Gortner which is not a documentary but deals with the same subject.
This feels like the American version of one of those Mexican wrasslin' women movies, but since it came out a decade before those I guess this actually set the blueprint. Of course it's really a mobster movie with a whole bunch of wrestling scenes thrown in. Not exactly the sexiest spectacle but this was way before the days that porn became widespread so I guess you took whatever thrills you could get back then. This has a few aliases including THE BLONDE PICK-UP, PIN-DOWN GIRL and WRESTLING RACKET GIRLS. Another MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 watch and it's undoubtedly better that way.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
John Carradine as a mad scientist attempting to reverse the aging process but really just creating a bunch of zombies and monsters that resemble the half-animal people in ISLAND OF LOST SOULS. The legendary Tor Johnson is his henchman that keeps his captive guests in line waiting to be his next subjects of medical-experimentation. One of these includes THE 50 FOOT WOMAN herself Alison Hayes! Clunky but fun 50s junk.
Originally released on a double-bill with that giant grasshopper movie THE BEGINNING OF THE END.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Similar to how they filmed a Spanish-language DRACULA this here, translated as THERE WERE 13, is the Spanish version of CHARLIE CHAN CARRIES ON made on the same sets but with a different cast and crew. It's also one of the CHAN films that was thought lost until a print popped up. It's interesting to watch since for almost the first whole half there's no Chan at all until a fellow named Manuel Arbo appears as the famous detective for the one and only time. It's also of note being the only Spanish version of a CHAN flick made because they figured out dubbing shortly after this. The English version starring Warner Oland(his first in the role of Chan) doesn't seem to exist anymore thanks to a fire.
The plot deals with a jealous ex-lover getting revenge. Pretty typical stuff for this genre.
The 7th CHAN film starring Warner Oland. There would be over 30 to follow featuring a couple of different folks taking over the role. This one involves a knife-throwing trigger-happy killer who's trying to cover up for a bank that's selling fake bonds. If you've seen any of the films in this series you pretty much know exactly what to expect. This chapter is historically important as being the one to introduce Chan's #1 son(Keye Luke and actual Asian!) who would go on to be a regular.
This was considered a lost film until one remaining print of it was found in the 70s. There are still 4 other CHAN films that are missing.