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A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!
Recommended for devolved primates only!

Sunday, May 24, 2020


 This one is a pretty big downer of a 70s horror flick. I guess you could call it a proto-slasher since the very simple plot is about a fellow going around and offing all his old army buddies due to some pesky flashbacks about that time they all tortured and killed a whole village of people including women and children. It's not particularly bloody or even very good and there are a bunch of other horror flicks that deal with crazy vets running amok that are better time-wasters. Bob Clark's DEATHDREAM  is the main one that comes to mind. So go watch that one if you haven't seen it yet.

                                Snazzy VHS cover that turns the killer into green zombie triplets!:

Friday, May 22, 2020


 Euro-sleaze director Jess Franco's BARBED WIRE DOLLS is my sentimental favorite of his women-in-prison films but this one is a pretty close second. Just like with that film you get tons of beaver and Euro-bush shots, wanton lesbianism and a sadistic lady warden whipping and torturing. This one also throws in a foul-mouthed parrot who calls ladies "dirty whores", decapitation and a weird ending that I'm not sure if it's supposed to be happy or not. Having watched a ton of Franco I can only guess it has something to do with the overwhelming power of lust over love but I still have a lot of films to watch before I would consider myself an expert of any kind on ol` Uncle Jess.
 Check this one out for some sleazy goodness along with some laughable dubbing. AKA LOVE CAMP

Saturday, May 16, 2020


 Bela Lugosi stars as a hypnotizing, voodoo-practitioner who attempts to bring his dead wife back to life by performing zombifying rituals helped out by George Zucco and also John Carradine as one of his goofy henchmen.  You get some zombified ladies and Bela and Zucco doing their creepy shtick wearing what look like magician's robes. Pretty good for a quick(only 62 minutes long!) breezy watch if you like the creepy classics.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


 If you want to see a good killer baby on the loose flick check out 1974's IT'S ALIVE. If you want to see a crappy 90's killer baby movie with an animatronic puppet baby I guess give this a gander. Now I've never seen the first UNBORN film so I can't say if it's any better or worse than this. This one might surpass it in unintentional hilarity though. You get baby-fu, gun-fu, mom-fu. Horny teens get chomped on and you get a Paula Poundstone-looking mom who goes around executing babies TERMINATOR-style that she has surmised are evil mutant monsters. The guy who played Nick on FAMILY TIES shows up as a weirdo neighbor. One big plus of this being made in the 90's is everything had not gone 100% c.g.i. city yet so you at least get some puppet-baby hi-jinks. I can't imagine who dreadful this would have been if the monster looked like baby Super Mario.
 This apparently was also released on video as BABY BLOOD 2 which would make it a sequel to a different evil baby movie that I also haven't seen.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


 This isn't really a sequel to 2004's SHAOLIN VS. EVIL DEAD, I guess it's kind of a prequel but I'm not even certain of that. Gordon Lui doesn't even show up until about  two-thirds of the movie is over and his character doesn't have the same name as in the first film. I guess they just really dug that SHAOLIN VS. EVIL DEAD moniker. There's really not even much in the way of horror elements up until the end when a bunch of those hopping vampires show up, a big cgi rock monster does some kung fu and our main bad guy grows some fangs appears to turn into a non-hopping vampire. It's all pretty typical but I guess if you liked the first one check out the last half hour of this.


 This might be the best-looking film I've seen so far by Spanish Eurosleaze director Jess Franco. It's also a pretty big downer of a film for the most part. The plot deals with a young gal(Susan Hemingway, who as far as I can tell was only 14 or 15 when this was filmed due to it actually being completed in '75 but not released until '77) who gets sent away to a convent only to find out is is in fact run by a group of Satanists. Herbert Fux shows up as a rapey Satan, William Berger is our pervy priest and you get a bunch of nuns who like to flash their boobs during rituals and practice lesbian antics. A great entry in the Franco oeuvre akin to something like THE DEVILS but on a smaller scale.
 Lead actress Susan Hemingway also starred in Franco's later WOMEN IN CELL BLOCK 9, so I guess she specialized in being a young naked girl who only appeared in Uncle Jess' films and spurred on controversy due to her age.

Friday, May 8, 2020


 This is pretty generic cop/kung-fu stuff from what I've seen. I guess what makes this one stand out at least a little bit is the combination of UFC-style moves(choke holds and arm-bars etc.) and Jiu-Jitsu mixed in with the more standard punching and kicking stuff. Most of the film is more of a drama with the chop-sockey mostly held off until the big final fight sequence. Donnie Yen does not seem like the greatest action hero to me and I often confuse him with Jet Li but maybe that's just because I don't watch a ton of these more modern Asian action flicks but if that's your scene give it a look.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


 This Hong Kong kung-fu flick has nothing to do with THE EVIL DEAD. It does feature some of those always ineffectual, and played for comedy, hopping vampires(that are called zombies in the dubbed version) and Gordon(MASTER KILLER) Liu as a kung-fu master/wizard type who always knows what's up with these evil entities that keep popping up. You not only get 1 annoying little kid but at one point he eats a magical egg and shits out another even more annoying kid! As you would guess this becomes really grating. Also annoying is the lack of an ending where the film just stops in the middle of a fight scene and rolls the credits while scenes from part 2(which didn't come out until 3 years later for some reason?) play in a little corner box. Overall there's not much to reccomend this one unless you really want to see Gordon Liu order a little boy to take a piss so he can use his urine as a magical weapon against some maggot-filled zombies. I guess that's something unique anyway.

                                                Known in Pakistan as EVIL DEAD 4:


 This Eurotrash sleazefest, directed by the great Jess Franco, starts out with some Haitian ladies twerking for our amusement. This would be repeated several times throughout the film to remind us we're indeed in Haiti. Now for some reason Haiti is pronounced "Ha-E.T." by whoever dubbed this thing(also Haitian is pronounced "High-Asian" which seems equally strange to me) but what do I know, I've never been there. Then we settle into a pretty slim plot about a lady(Ada Tauler) who comes to Haiti(hey, that rhymes if you pronounce it correctly!) to live with her husband(Jack Taylor). When she gets there she meets his nutty nymphomaniac sister(Karine Gambier) who immediately tries to seduce her because, of course, this is a sleazy Franco film. From there a mysterious voodoo doll of Robert Smith from the band The Cure shows up and people start dying. Is our confused married lady under a voodoo zombie spell that makes her kill people? Well I don't want to spoil it but I will say that weird espionage plot to kill the president is shoe-horned into the end of the movie to try and make sens of everything that goes on.
 Of course the real reason to watch this is for all the rampant nudity on display, full vagina shots, gross incest and jazz soundtrack (complete with voodoo drumbeat for island authenticity). SO give it a shot if you're freaky Franco eurosleaze fan. AKA PORNO SHOCK and CALL OF THE BLONDE GODDESS

                              I assume Germans know how to pronounce "Haiti"!: