This is thought of as being the first of the "Blood Island" films and the co-director here, Eddie Romero, went on to direct all of those later films. This one sort-of plays out like a mash-up of FRANKENSTEIN and ISLAND OF LOST SOULS where we get a mad scientist(Francis Lederer) creating a pantherman who spends a good portion of the film getting treated like shit so he becomes a sympathetic character just like ol' Frankie. The monster, with his panther head and claws and wearing bandages like a mummy, strikes a fairly imposing figure for a 50s monster. The movie is nice enought to ring a buzzer for the squeamish to cover their eyes before we see a graphic surgery scene(actually a scalpel slicing into some pigskin) so that's something. Speaking of graphic displays the one downside to this, since it was filmed in the 50s, is that it never reaches the bloody heights of the later Blood Island movies but it's probably the best-looking of the bunch. AKA CREATURE FROM BOOOD ISLAND and THE GORY CREATURES
A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

Recommended for devolved primates only!
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
70s Filipino horror flick that plays like a throwback to something from the 1950s with a green-faced werewolf-like beast running around slashing people up. Since this is 1971 though we do get some bloody wounds and some gut-munching.
John Ashley stars as a dude who makes a deal with Satan(played by Philippines favorite Vic Diaz) that not shockingly doesn't go well. Director Eddie Romero(my 2nd favorite director named Romero!) would next make THE TWILIGHT PEOPLE and a whole slew of cool Philippines-based exploitation flicks. I'd rank this one somewhere in the middle of all those.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
I've seen the first two BILLY JACK films(THE BORN LOSERS and BILLY JACK) numerous times over the years and love them dearly so I figured it was time to check out the last two sequels in the series even though I've never really heard much good about them. This 3rd film is super preachy right from the start and tries to be a commentary on the Kent State shooting and killing off student protestors there as well as other violent killings of the 60s and early 70s. The message of non-violent pacifism is also really strong which seems really incongruent with what has been a pretty violent series of exploitation films so far. In fact this one may be one of the most violent of the whole series with hippies and even children being gunned down by the military. Of course this is all to teach us the deep philosophical lesson that violence is bad! I can see why being stuck in the idealistic 60s while the more dour 70s creeped on may have been the reason this film was not much of a success at the time and it seems even more out of place watching it on modern times. Also the close to 2 hour runtime doesn't help at all!
The next film(BILLY JACK GOES TO WASHINGTON) makes the terrible decision to amp up the politics and greatly reduce the violent aspects making this movie look better by comparison.
Long-ass trailer but it's also a long-ass movie!:
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Crappy post-apocalypse MAD MAX-rip-off action flick. In between the poorly done action sequences we get our main 2 characters arguing and chatting about how bad things have gotten. It took a couple of attempts to get through this one without dozing off.
Our main gal/hero (Deborah Rennard) wears this odd pair of pants that looks baggy in the front but from the back appears to be a thong. Truly the best special effect in the whole film!
Thrilling action!:
Saturday, June 4, 2022
I caught this Spanish horror flick as part of a zombie film holiday weekend at a drive-in recently and while I wouldn't really categorize it as a zombie film it was one of my favorite films that played the whole weekend. Rather than zombies we have the survivors of a nuclear war, who are gangs of blind people, that act enough like zombies that I can sorta see the confusion. Also the plot of this is fairly similar to something like NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD where we have a group trying to fight off an angry mob. In this case it's a group of pervy rich folks and their whores(including Eurotrash fav Paul Naschy as a real douchebag) trying to survive the onslaught. Not overly bloody but very nihilistic right up until it's ending this is the sorta 70s movie that belongs at drive-ins everywhere.
The U.S. cut of this is a little shorter than the original with some dialogue scenes removed and they threw in some music from THE BLOB which which somehow works fine.
Friday, June 3, 2022
WHO DONE IT? (1949)
This is one of my favorite Three Stooges shorts featuring Shemp. The Stooges are detectives this time investigating a murderous gang that includes a rather large fellow(Duke York, famous stuntman) referred to as "The Goon" throughout. Shemp has a great freakout scene after being poisoned which is a highlight. Dumb, goofy classic violent and fun hijinks that at 16 minutes never overstays it's welcome.
There was an Abbott & Costello movie with this same exact title 7 years earlier.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Judging by the DVD cover that has 2 guys fighting on top of a speeding train I had assumed this was more of a martial arts/action movie than what it actually is. While there is a smattering of fighting and a little action here and there(and that train scene does sorta happen) overall this thing plays out more as a drama about a couple who are facing some moral quandries about being thieves. Andy Lau plays the main thief, among many, and wears a wig for some unknown reason throughout most of the movie. Can't say I'd reccomend this to anyone but it did have excellent cinematography and looked well shot for what that's worth.