Kinda similar to, another movie from the same year, ROLLING THUNDER, what we get here is another revenge-tale of a wartime veteran(this time it's World War II instead of Vietnam). It's a bit different here though as things start off dealing more with some gangsters before our farmer(Gary Conway who was previously the star of that LAND OF THE GIANTS TV-show in the 60s) gets involved in the action. Rape, acid poured into eyes, people thrown out of windows, racism and plenty of gun-fu round out the action. While not quite up there with THUNDER it's still worth a look if you don't mind lots of folk music intercut with your vengeance. AKA BLAZING REVENGE
A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

Recommended for devolved primates only!
Monday, December 30, 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
OUTRAGE (2010)
Director and star 'Beat' Takesh Kitano took a little break from these types of films for a few years to make more artsy/weird stuff but then returned to what people know him best for with this Yakuza flick. Fairly typical stuff here with some extremely violent scenes including devious use of a dentist drill, a near decapitation involving a car and some rope and tons of gun-fu. Nothing unexpected but still an entertaining watch for folks into the mobster movie genre.
Might be the last Asian action movie Blu-ray I ever pick up at Big Lots since they just announced that they are going out of business.
The Australian title of this as BASEBALL BIMBOS IN HILLBILLY HELL really perfectly sums up this dumb backwoods revenge flick. Our story involves a group of traveling baseball ladies, led by biker/action movie star Ross Hagen, who run afoul of some violent retarded rednecks(why there are rednecks flying confederate flags in California I'm not sure, but OK). Things get progressively more bloody and revenge-fueled as it goes on. We get a rape scene, lots of boobs(including a lovely shower scene) and countless ass-shots on display. A good trashy exploitation epic.
It was also nice to see George "Buck" Flowers in a big role not playing his usual drunken bum character but instead playing one of the stupid women-hating hicks.
ONIBABA (1964)
While I'm more of a fan of Japanese director Kaneto Shindo's later KURONEKO, this one is certainly not too shabby either. It's main focus is on a couple of poor ladies stuck in wartime Japan who resort to killing passers-by to make ends meet. While there are some horror elements involving a demon mask(and stabbing samurais) this one really focuses more on the drama side of things than KURONEKO and plays more like an artsy flick that just happens to also contain ample nudity and murder to go along with your symbolism and metaphors. Check it out for an fine example of some classy Asian cinema.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Total homemade garbage that fails at trying to emulate both a grindhouse movie(with all that dumb digitally-enhanced graininess) and a snuff film(with some exceptionally bad acting). Some actual scenes of death are inserted from one of those TRACES OF DEATH video compilations so if you like that stuff just go watch those instead. The fact that they found an actual operational video store in 2015 to shoot some of this in is pretty astounding. At only about 70 minutes long this is a very tough watch.
Director Dustin Fergus has directed somewhere around 150 things according to IMDB which seems impressive unless they were all shot on a phone and look like home movies. AKA VIDEO KILLERS