O. K. so there's this island full of little homicidal killer creatures that look like that killer doll from TRILOGY OF TERROR and on the island lands some survivors of a boat wreck. Was it the Titanic? Maybe since they sorta look like they are dressed in outfits from the 1920's or maybe they were just in the middle of some kind of masquerade dance or some shit. So anyway not only are there little stupid monsters but all the water on the island is acid which one guy finds out after he sticks his face in it and it melts off in a gory spectacle. Unfortunately in between the face melting and little ferocious guys attacking there's nothing but people arguing with each other and lots of boring dialogue. It is all completely ridiculous and still a must see for fans of watching full grown adults wrestle with dopey-looking dolls . Any sane person would most likely completely hate this so of course I love it. AKA HELL ISLAND
Look at those silly little fucks run!:
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