A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

Recommended for devolved primates only!
Monday, August 8, 2011
As a young man renting this odd little mash-up of genres back in the VHS days this movie crushed my hopes and dreams of seeing all-out werewolves on wheels action and I really should hate this movie just based on the fact that the title lies to me but deep down I have slowly forgiven this movie over the years and really don't. While it's true that there isn't really the promised scenes of werewolves riding around on choppers chompin' on folks this still isn't that terrible of a movie overall. They probably shoulda found a better title though but since exploitation films are more often than not about getting your ass to buy a ticket than delivering the goods this one is a perfect example of a true exploitation flick that exploits it's audience as well as the biker genre. What you actually get besides a gang of biker wolf-people is a gang of typical hairy 70's bikers who are pretty much complete assholes to everyone they run across until they run into a gang of Satanic monks who drug them and pull all kind of Satany shenanigans on our gang of dirtbags. The best word to describe this movie is probably "meandering" since this movie just pads it's short run time with the expected scenes of bikers, including folk-singer Barry "Eve Of Destruction" McGuire, riding around to generic music intertwined with scenes of devil rituals. The gang is called The Devil's Advocates so fooling around with the devil, and stupidly eating bread and wine offered by creeps in hoods and robes, somehow doesn't seem all that strange to the group. If you make it to the last ten minutes you finally get one lone werewolf on a motorcycle and while that does seem like a lot of crap to wade through to get to anything resembling what the awesome movie poster promises us there's something about this flick that I find enjoyable and very re-watchable. It's probably just because I really love most biker movies and the concept of melding one with a horror flick is just too good to pass up. Also until someone comes along and tops this, which is pretty unlikely since the 70's are long gone, by default this one will remain the world's greatest werewolf/biker flick.
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