That crippled guy from A CLOCKWORK ORANGE that tells Alex to "try the wine"(Patrick Magee) is featured here as a crazy-ass Christian preacher with an equally fanatical group of followers. The movie starts off with some over-the-top proselytizing while a very giallo-esque scene unfolds in which a gal gets snuffed. From there it focuses on this nutty old churchwoman and her son and totally drops the mystery aspects and becomes a story of religious nuts and killing in the name of Jesus. This whole thing is obviously a pretty big slap against religion which I'm surely in favor of but it might be a bit too British for it's own good. Also it focuses on people you don't really care very much about at all. A guy does get nailed to a cross and there are a few naked boobs so it's got that going for it. Probably worth a watch for angry atheists and it will certainly help them get all riled up about something. AKA THE FIEND(not to be confused with that silly Don Dohler FIEND monster movie)
Pretty cool opening baptism scene:
I know what you mean about the character flaws but I absolutly loved this movie. Everyone in the whole movie is a piece of shit and naturally they are all Christians. Makes perfect sense to me.