I've owned this movie on DVD for many years but never felt like actually giving it a watch up until recently. The reason for this is that it is from director Jess Franco's later cheap-o shot-on-video years and any clips I had seen from that era looked terrible. Being a Franco completist though I managed to make it through this and it was just as awful as I expected. Franco was attempting to make an erotic comedy here and since it's more annoying than funny it's a tough sit. Also the erotic part is a little hurt by Lina Romay being middle-aged by this point and not at exactly at her peak. Linnea Quigley and Michelle Bauer do help out in the hotness department but probably my favorite gal in this is Amber Newman, who I'm not very familiar with but want to be. AKA EIGHT LEGS TO LOVE YOU(this is an homage to The Beatles film HELP! which was shot under the title EIGHT ARMS TO HOLD YOU)
Amber Newman shows her friend her butthole in the movie's most thrilling scene!:A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

Recommended for devolved primates only!
Friday, July 30, 2021
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
The ATOR Series:
3. IRON WARRIOR - 1987 (the only one not directed by D'Amato)
4. QUEST FOR THE MIGHTY SWORD - 1990 (the only one where Ator is not played by Miles O'Keefe) AKA ATOR III: THE HOBGOBLIN(D'Amato was not a fan of the actual part 3!)
Monday, July 26, 2021
This Italian giallo starts out with a murder in a pharmacy and then turns into a pretty dull mystery for most of the rest of it's runtime. There is a lady who gets killed by a hot bowl of pasta fagioli and it does have a pretty interesting, if not abrupt, ending which I will not spoil because I'm not a complete asshole. It's too bad everything else is fairly generic. Also they didn't even have the decency to throw some nekkid ladies in this. AKA THE CAT'S VICTIMS ( I don't recall any cats in this!) WATCH ME WHEN I KILL is just as crappy of a title since no one ever forces or even wants anyone to see them kill at any point.
Sammo Hung directs and stars in this version of THE DIRTY DOZEN set in Vietnam. Pretty good action packed stuff that is mostly a war movie but becomes a kung fu flick for the big ending. There's a Russian roulette homage to THE DEER HUNTER and lots of bloody squibs are on display. Towards the big finale Sammo get to chop off the hand of his future real-life wife(Joyce Godenzi) with a machete. Weird kink!
Sunday, July 25, 2021
So this lady(Susan Strasberg) has a growth on the back of her neck and it turns out to be a Native American demon seeking revenge on whitey. Thanks to some help from Tony Curtis and an Indian medicine man(played by Michael Ansara in some red-face makeup) they do battle. This includes STAR WARS lasers and Satan himself showing up. Goofy but enjoyable mess of a film that is sort of an EXORCIST-rip-off but unique enough to stand apart from most of those.
This had to be director William Girdler's biggest film given the FX work and stars involved(Burgess Meredith and Stella Stevens also show up briefly). This would sadly be his last film before dying in a helicopter crash.
Friday, July 23, 2021
THE BLADE (1995)
This Tsui Hark-directed kung fu movie starts out with a dog getting caught in a bear-trap and that kinda sets the dark tone for a lot of this film. This is also the movie that made me realize that Hark is not a big fan of animals(though I guess that could be said of a lot of Hong Kong directors). Besides bear-traps there are a lot of swords in play and as a result one of our heroes ends up becoming a one-armed swordsman. It never lives up to the grandeur of that classic fu film and veers a little too much on the speedy wirework side of things for my taste. There's also a bit much in the dramatics and dumb philosophizing but it doesn't totally ruin the whole film.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
So they managed to come up with a satisfactory ending to this true-life crime tale, which we know didn't actually have one. Besides that I suppose it's somewhat accurateto real life, though nowhere near as gory since this was made in England in the 50s.
Not the first(Alfred Hitchcock's silent film THE LODGER is sort-of considered that) or last Ripper film this one plays out like a standard classy 50s mystery.
The American release features a bloody color sequence at the climax. There's also a continental European version with actual nudity.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
This early blaxploitation flick is definitely in that SWEET SWEETBACK'S BADASSSSS SONG wheelhouse where the films were more about serious social issues and not so much just action movies starring black folks. That's not too say there's not a lot of action in this one. The action consists mainly of radical black revolutionaries shooting cops and cops shooting up the ghetto. Starring the future Lando Calrissian(Billy Dee Williams) as a very angry black man and that bad D'Urville Martin this is an interesting and artfully-shot(including many flashbacks) film that doesn't seem all that too far removed from where the U.S. could potentially be headed in the future.
Friday, July 2, 2021
This one is a very epic Wuxia martial-arts flick. While it looks great and was obviously director well by Tsui Hark I can't say it was all that engrossing and at over 2 and a half hours that can be a bit of a problem. The story deals with kung fu being banned by the emperor and then our 7 heroic swordsmen(or is it swordspeople since one of them is a lady?) have to save a village. It starts out pretty cool with decapitations and limbs flying everywhere but then settles into pretty predictable territory. I've read that it was inspired by THE SEVEN SAMURAI but I don't see much in comparison to the Kurosawa classic.