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A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!
Recommended for devolved primates only!

Monday, May 28, 2018


 I thought I had seen this one before but apparently I had only viewed the first and third entries in this series. This doesn't really matter much because this one is not actually a sequel at all and is basically a really crappy remake of Part 1 with extra helpings of really dumb retard humour thrown in because I guess the director, Ken Wiederhorn, felt that the first movie wasn't dumb enough for 1988?? The first film, while not my favorite zombie movie of all time, at least has some cool punk-rock characters, naked Linnea Quigley and rocking tunes. This one has none of that. It does bring back Thom Mathews and James Karen to basically play the same parts they had in the first movie but this time they have different names, are extra-annoying and yell a whole bunch for no reason. There's barely any gore this time, there's no nudity, instead of punk rockers you get stupid little kids and only a couple of people actually die from what I saw(though I did doze off due to boredom at one point so maybe something exciting happened then but I doubt it). I'm not even sure why this one is rated R. Stick with the first one or if you're a big fan of piercing check out Part 3 which also has the common decency to throw some nudity into their zombie flick.


             Goofy-ass German poster(under the title GREAT ARE THE WILD ZOMBIES, I think?) that is way more fitting for the stupidity of this movie!:

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