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A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!

A mad journey into the mind of the depraved!
Recommended for devolved primates only!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Movies that are labeled "the worst movie of all time" generally aren't as bad as all the hype would lead you to believe.  This movie is really bad but there are way duller and more inert movies that are completely forgettable.  This one is at least memorable for it's ridiculous monster which consists of a couple of guys under what appears to be a very shitty-looking carpet or maybe some old raggedy-ass quilt of some sort.  It has a sort-of insect-looking head and I think they were going for a monster caterpillar sort of thing.  The story is about a UFO that crashes which contains two identical stupid-looking monsters.  It's almost all told in a dull monotonous voice-over narration which is always a bad sign with these old creature feature flicks. In fact though there might be some exceptions to this rule I think there is a direct correlation between how shitty a movie from the 50's/60's is with how much time is spent using voice-over narration in it.  The worst example of this being THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS in my opinion. The high-point of this whole film here though is catching some up-skirt shots of various women as they are gulped down by our slow-moving monster that they could have easily ran away from.  Supposedly a real monster was built for this and stolen before shooting started so they threw this abomination together in a few minutes.  I'm sure it couldn't have looked any worse than this thing.  Check this out only if you're into bottom of the barrel junk cinema.

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